Are Ceramic Manufacturing Processes Environmentally Friendly? An Insight into Production

Advanced ceramic manufacturing is a complex multi-step process centring on the consolidation and sintering of raw mineralogical feedstocks. Regardless of the type of ceramic (oxide or non-oxide), or the complexity, shape, size, and structure of the finished part, it is this densification stage of production that unlocks the outstanding thermomechanical properties of technical ceramic materials. It is also, by far, the most energy-intensive link in the advanced ceramics manufacturing chain.

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Are Technical Ceramics a Sustainable Solution? An Insight into Properties

Technical ceramics have become a mainstay among advanced engineering materials, replacing heavy duty metallic alloys and even refractories in many challenging applications and industries. This stems from their good all-round thermomechanical properties, but can also be attributed to incremental improvements in designing with ceramics and ceramic manufacturing. So, what impact does this shift towards specialist, high-performance material solutions have on corporate and social responsibilities, and sustainability initiatives?Continue reading

How Eco-Friendly are Ceramic Materials? An Insight into Pollution

Ceramics have been utilised by mankind for millennia, mainly due to the abundance of raw materials and the relative ease with which basic pottery can be manufactured. Industrial production is of course more complicated than simple green kiln firing, but even advanced ceramics like aluminium oxide (Al2O3), boron nitride (BN), and zirconia (ZrO2) are derived from source materials that are relatively plentiful on earth. This is often used as an argument in favour of the eco-friendly credentials of technical ceramic materials.Continue reading

Continuous Steel Casting with Syalon Break Rings

Engineering ceramics occupy the cutting edge of industrial applications. They are deployed where conventional materials are prone to failure, or to refine equipment for greater throughput and profitability. Their incredibly favourable thermomechanical properties have made them a mainstay in metalworks and steel foundries for decades, where they generally offer long-lasting performance over multiple cycles—even when in direct contact with molten metals.

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Silicon Nitride: The Future of Sensing in Harsh Environments?

Data acquisition and signal transmission within harsh environments is an ever-present pain point for manufacturers across the full spectrum of engineering. Sensors must increasingly contend with extreme mechanical and thermal stressors, which can easily result in reduced performance and even failure in the wrong conditions. The only solution is to build sensing platforms with the right material properties for the application. High-temperature applications require may require ceramic materials owing to their enhanced thermal shock resistance and/or thermal expansion properties, for example.

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Ceramics UK 2020 – Leaders in Conversation: Promoting Ceramics in an International Marketplace

Following the postponement of Ceramics UK 2020 in collaboration with the Advanced Materials Show to 7th & 8th July 2021, the event organisers are instead running an exciting online Knowledge and Networking Digital Event, bringing together highly focused audiences, all involved in the research, production, purchasing or integration of advanced materials technology including Graphene & 2D Materials, Composites, Polymers, Coatings, and Ceramics

Join moderator TTIP Consulting Managing Director Dr Andy Wynn, and panellists Lucideon CEO Tony Kinsella, British Ceramic Confederation CEO Dr Laura Cohen MBE CEng FIMMM, alongside International Syalons Technical Director Ben Melrose as they discuss Promoting Ceramics in an International Marketplace.